Submitting nominations for the IMA Medal
Nominators, either individual members of a mineralogical society or group, or a National Representative of a mineralogical society or group, must submit complete nomination packages by April 1. This dead-line will also be announced in Elements and on the IMA website.
Nominations for the award consist of a package including:
The nominator should collect the documents listed in the checklist, in particular the letters of support provided by sponsors. The nomination package should be a single electronic file, preferably as a PDF. The nominator should send the package to the Chair of the IMA medal committee. The title of the email should include the name of the nominee.
Nominations can be carried over to following years if the nomination package is updated by the nominator. Any nomination not renewed after 4 years will not be considered further. The award shall be made without regard to nationality. Membership in a mineralogical society is not a necessary prerequisite to receive the award. Current members of the IMA medal committee and of the IMA council cannot support nominations or be nominated for the Medal.